Thursday, December 27, 2018

Day Fifteen... and Sixteen. Whoops!

I started yesterday's blog last night and dozed off while writing it. I hope that that's not the case for other people reading my blog! I promised I'd write a blog everyday... and wow, I made it a whole two weeks! Anyway, with much ado, MY BLOGS, mushed into one!

I smell nice. Got a new perfume for Christmas and I smell nice! That's all.

I'd like to tell you about my dog, Mose. He proudly bears the name of The Office's Dwight Schrute's cousin. It's quite a burden to bear the same name as the (somewhat famous) beet farmer! But Mose does so with class and sophistication. Kinda. Like his namesake, Mose's intellect is somewhat questionable. Like I mentioned previously, the dog once ate a thumbtack and only knows one trick. But his heart is true!

A few years ago, the shop guys at ACE came across a big white puppy trapped in one of the back sheds. How he had ended up there, and for how long, nobody knew. When the guys approached him, he growled, but when he saw my sister, he melted a little, enough to tell he was a sweetie. Somehow I think we all knew he was meant for me. I still had Otis, but when I looked into his brown eye and his blue eye, I knew he was mine.

I lost Otis almost 5 months ago now, and god I miss her so much. Every single day. But I don't feel so alone with Mose. He'll never be what Otis was to me... nothing ever will. But he will be something different...he has found a way deep into my heart and he's gonna stay there.

He is simple in the way a lot of dogs are- it doesn't take much to make him happy! A car ride, a cheeseburger, an ear rub. He's good friends with our next door neighbor's dog, Nacho. In fact, there have been holes dug underneath the fence and they've both spent time on the other's side of the fence. Naughties!

He pretends to be brave, but little things spook him. The other night at my dad's, my sister was wielding a scary set of tongs, stirring up some pasta. When they clacked together, menacingly, he dove for cover. He slowly ventured back out from behind the couch, and my sister clacked them together again. Panic ensued. But can you blame him? They are pretty creepy.

I love him.

I could lie and say I'll never miss a blog day again but we all know that's destined to be a big, fat lie!


P.S. It just occurred to me that I haven't said much about Miss Otis on this blog so she will probably be discussed tomorrow :)

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