Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Day One

Hello everybody! How expensive is a dead battery?


Haha! Now that that's done, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Sarah Record. Record the noun, not the verb. If that helps. Now if you already know me, you may be scratching your heads, saying, "That Sarah. Doesn't she already have a blog?"

Why, yes I do, thank you for noticing! It is located here:

Sarah's First Blog

But I have... a plan. [Insert mental picture of someone pressing their fingertips together deviously.] A plan that may sound silly or impossible or just impractical. A plan that may make little sense.

I want to write a book.

I know you are gasping for air, fanning yourself with a copy of The National Geographic, and clutching your bosoms. But now hold up! Let me give you some background first.

I got the idea from the film "Julie and Julia," which, I must confess, I've been watching a lot lately. Like, over and over. And I'm a terrible, terrible cook. I just like it, okay? Anyway. SPOILER ALERT!!! Julie Powell decides to cook her way through Julia Child's cookbook, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking," in one year's time, and chronicles it all in a blog. I thought... I could do that. To quote Julie in the film, "I could write a blog. I have thoughts."

Now, to write a blog about writing sounds a tad odd, I'll give you that. But I wanna try it. I know I have the other blog, but I want to save it for good occasional, thoughtful posts. The goal of THIS BLOG is to write every single day, without fail. It might be paragraphs and paragraphs or it might be two sentences. I intend for it to be a semi-journal, just talking about what's going on in my life, and giving you updates on the progress of my book. It's true, I already have some written. Hell, I have bits and pieces of about five different books right now! I just have to get everything together and focus, focus, focus. This sounds kind of full of myself, but rereading what I have written.... it makes me proud. Excited. I really think I can do this. And I am giving myself a year to get it done. I'll be honest, last year it was my New Year's Resolution and I didn't keep up with it like I should have. But, to the day, I have 365 days to get it done. Maybe not done done. Not for sale on shelves. Just.. something I can give to my loved ones to test it out. December 12th, 2019.

It's doubtful, but if you are reading this and don't know me, reading my other blog would be the best way to get to know me, but it is kind of massive. So I will give you some tidbits about myself!

  • I was born on December 17th, 1991 and I was 17 days late.
  • I have schizoaffective disorder and OCD and you can be damned sure you'll hear about it if you read my everyday blog.
  • I have a bizarre blood condition called "Evan's Syndrome" and thanks to it, I've had ALL KINDS of trouble.
  • I'm a clerk at our local (family owned) ACE Hardware, and I also do bookwork. 
  • I have three black cats, and even if I WAS superstitious (I'M NOT) I figure the whole "bad luck" thing is somehow cancelled out by sheer numbers
  • I have a dog named Mose and he is a turd that I love very, very much.
  • This year I lost my very best friend and dog, Otis, and I miss her everyday... so hard my heart literally aches and I feel a sinkhole in my heart.
  • When I was 12 I attempted suicide and survived it. I owe a lot to a lot of people for keeping me going all these years.
  • My best friend is my sister, Elizabeth. She is smart and beautiful and funny and puts up with my craziness.
  • My mama lives in West Virginia and I miss her every day. I wish I could apparate like in Harry Potter. Or use a portkey or Floo Powder or something! I'd say broomstick but I've no doubt I'd get lost.
  • My dad and I are very close and have the same temperament and sense of humor. We call each other 'turd' all the time.
  • When I grow up, I wanna be a WRITER

Now that you know a bit about me, I will start writing for real!

I had a pretty good day today, partly because tomorrow is my day off! Tomorrow is also opening night for... "A Christmas Carol"!!! At the Shuler, of course. We've been practicing for months now. Well, "we" is sort of unclear. I signed on as prop master, which I did pretty decently. But I've been... I was gonna say a "jack of all trades" but somehow that implies being handy and being able to solve lots of problems and that doesn't describe me at all. I've been doing odd jobs! I've made about 200 copies of lines and sheets of music and I help set up and occasionally I try to be a badass and tell the loud little kids to hush. I just.. have no real authority. But tonight I sat in the audience and kept notes... not too much! I think it will be a great show.

I sit here on my peeling, black couch, swilling water our of an old Absolut Vodka bottle. I'm wearing slippers and really old "Guitar Hero" sleep pants and an ACE T-shirt that has white Mose-fur all over it. My hair is tangled and in just about every color you can imagine. I'm having a few "Cat Cookies", found at Trader Joe's. They aren't for cats! They're chocolate and delicious. As my mom always says, "Any flavor, 'long as it's chocolate."

I love this time of year. I got in the spirit and plugged in my Christmas lights that have actually spent the year up. They still work!

I'd say it's time to work on my book! 

I hope you'll keep coming to read me even if what I write isn't particularly stimulating. I won't send out daily Facebook posts... that sounds like a good way to get unfriended.


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