Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Day Seven

One week til Christmas! Today I worked on some presents, purchased goods and handmade crafts. The crafts are definitely funner! But I need to start earlier on these projects. I would brag about them to you but not yet... I had fun getting out my craft supplies! Acrylic paints and tape and markers, oh my!

It's definitely my favorite time of year! I love the Christmas songs on the radio and the lights and cool air and just the feeling of the season. I'm not ready for it to be over! So I'm gonna make the most out of the next week.

I talked to my psychiatrist on the phone today for a checkup. She is so nice and caring and understanding.. I'm really lucky to have her to help me. We did have a funny mix up- she asked, I thought, how my dad was doing, and since we just lost our Grandma, I told her that he's having a bit of a rough time but he's okay, and that he was with her when she passed. There was a long pause, and she said, "Really? Your dog?" So yep, Sarah's hearing strikes again... she actually asked about my DOG, Mose.

My blood test this morning went smoothly- I'm on a first name basis with the gentleman who draws my blood and we're friendly since we see each other once every four weeks-- one of my meds works wonders but requires a lot of upkeep. Coincidentally I'm a very good customer at the Medicine Shoppe- they have a reward-points program and I'm on the platinum level. VIP status.

I might do some last minute shopping there... anyone want some burn ointment or sugar free candy?


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