Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Day Fourteen- Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone! I had a really good day. Gave some great gifts, received some great gifts! One of the absolute best parts was talking to my mom on the phone.

Last night I was going to leave out pizza and bourbon for Santa, but I finished them off instead... maybe that's why he only visited me dad and not me! Or maybe it was Mose, my ferocious pup, scaring off the big man! But then again, maybe not. Mose is not the brightest crayon in the box, that's for damn sure, and he gets scared of things like cooking tongs and the smell of whiskey. And I say he's dumb because, well, the dog ate a thumbtack once. He's just not very bright. I try to bolster his self esteem though. I tell him to "Sit! Shake!" and by god about 2 out of 3 times he does, and I tell him oh! how smart he is! How wonderful and brilliant! The third time he just looks at me with his big multi-colored eyes and blinks at me like a cartoon character.

I got a new DVD player for Christmas today, which was impeccable timing, being that my old one hit the dust hard. So, I got it all hooked up and needed to test it out- "Secondhand Lions" was my pick. If you have never seen that movie, I HIGHLY recommend it. I think it's incredible. So! STOP READING HERE if you've never seen in because spoilers are coming.

Watching it makes me think about my grandparents. The big idea the whole time is Walter, the boy, hearing his great-uncles tell amazing, unbelievable stories, about their crazy lives, and kind of wondering if "stories" is all they are, or if these incredible things really did happen. They did! Well, since losing my Grandma so recently, I've had a lot of well-wishers come up to me to give their condolences, and some tell me stories. And oh, the stories I've heard about my Grandpa! And my amazing Granny in Tulsa... they have all lived such amazing lives- it's inspiring. I hope to live a life like theirs.. just my own. They all have changed the world in ways big and small, and NEED to be remembered.

And just an aside, I think the actual lion in the movie, Jasmine, is so achingly familiar to every dog or cat owner, ever. The lazy, fuzzy butt panting in the shade of her crate, rolling around in the cornfield. Not to mention, the 5 or 6 dogs and pig that follow Walter everywhere.

It's just a darn good movie.

Oh, and if you're wondering, NO, I do not torture my dog with liquor. I was drinking some out of a mug the other day (shut up, it was clean! And now my sister gave me an actual Game of Thrones cup!) and he, Nosey Mosey, came up and took a big sniff. He yanked his head back, instinctively, looking troubled. he breathed in deeply, like he was about to sneeze, but then kind of hacked out loud. All this happened in a matter of seconds! I sat there, amused, and after he had coughed up some mucus I slowly extended the cup towards him. WHOOP!! His nose crinkled up and he hurriedly backed up over my empty shoes on the floor. After laughing, I just shrugged. More for me.

I finally got to reveal my Christmas craft for the year! Ahem:

An electrical outlet cover (from ACE!) painted like Edvard Munch's "The Scream"! The idea is that when placed over the outlet, the empty space will be filled with the outlet, HOPEFULLY looking like the scream.

 I have nothing to prove it, as I only made them for other people and not myself.

I'm sorry Christmas is over, but it was amazing.

Merry Christmas!!


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