Sunday, December 23, 2018

Day Twelve

Christmas Eve Eve! I was just going to bed but realized I hadn't blogged tonight. So dammit, I'm writing a mini-blog, just for the principle of it.

I am ready for Christmas, but I'm not at the same time. I don't want it to be here yet, which is exactly the opposite of how I used to feel when I was little. When I was small I couldn't WAIT for Christmas. Santa was tangible proof that there is magic in this world. It sounds funny but the eaten cookies and empty milk glass was my favorite part of the whole thing. Presents are AWESOME but  seeing that Santa had been there and accepted our offering.. somehow that was the most incredible part of all.

And I'm headed to bed! Tomorrow doing the bookwork I have to get my books done before noon to make it to the bank before it closes, so it wouldn't do to be late!


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