Friday, February 8, 2019

Day 59- I'm Cold Again

Still fighting a cold, but now I think I'm on the uphill side! I did became freezing cold this afternoon and had to don several hoodies and cover myself with cats- it worked!

One day tomorrow and I've got a Sunday. I do need to go shopping tomorrow... I'm out of chew sticks! It's simply unacceptable. All afternoon, Mose has been giving me "the look" and putting his paw on my knee. Poor thing.

Today was bill-paying day... never fun but it's nice to check off my list.

Been writing again, and I'm feeling really good about it! There's just this tiny, nagging bit of myself that worries if anyone will actually WANT to read it. I think it's pretty good, but what if I'm wrong? I'll have wasted a lot of time on something that doesn't matter! But for the most part I make that piece of me shut up. It's a risk I gotta take, simple as that.

Sometime in the near future I need to buy a heavy duty printer... if this book's going anywhere, it will need to be printed out eventually.

Sleep time! Good thing human illnesses don't pass through computers.


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