Sunday, February 17, 2019

Day 68- T-shirts

Today was a good, pretty typical Sunday. I slept late, did little, and had dinner at my dad's house- homemade lasagna! Yum! He had been cleaning out his big closet today and brought about 10 of my realllly old black t-shirts down, for me to sort through. Thank goodness my sister was there or I would have kept them all... Lamb of God, Children of Bodom, Avenged Sevenfold, Harry Potter, Frasier. All AWESOME, all sadly too small. I kept one because it was maybe my favorite shirt of all time- Children of Bodom with the reaper on the front and a road sign in Finnish on the back. I wore this shirt to MEET Children of Bodom in. Its priceless. I dont know what I'll do with it, maybe frame the back. But I had to keep it.

Rumor has it we can expect snow for the next few days! I love wintry weather so I'm pleased.

May this week be healthier than the last!


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