Monday, February 18, 2019

Day 69- Winter Weather!

We woke up to several inches of snow! More, in some areas. It flurried on and off all day, the beautiful snowflakes that actually look like snowflakes are supposed to, each individually crafted, none the same, not just fluffy things like the ends of Q-tips.

My car is pretty cool, but it's not the best in snow. So my sister came to get me in our dad's car. I had just started shoveling when she got here, and she very kindly helped me finish the front walk, steps, and around my car to the street, enough room for someone walking by. After work tonight I finished up, digging out my car entirely so I might be able to drive it tomorrow, unless it snows more.

Mose doesn't seem to really care for the snow... He's a white dog but in contrast with the stark white snow, he seems almost a little brown or yellowish, like the outside of a coffee-ring staining a white plate.

I remember Otis playing in the snow, nosing her way through the freshly fallen powder. She would look up and there would be little piles of snow on her nose. I can picture her burrowing headfirst into a drift, tail straight out behind her. I miss her so much.

There are some pretty impressive snow piles around Main Street, some as tall as me!

Which, I suppose, isn't saying much...


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