Monday, February 11, 2019


Today was fine, for a Monday! Work went pretty well. We put up the seed racks and have already sold a few packets.

After work, I went with my sister and a coworker for dinner and drinks at Mulligans, which was very nice. Double vodka cranberry, thank you very much.

Came home and watched some TV, then wrote for a while. My New Year's Resolution was to write a book in one year and I'm positive I'l make it. The only snag? This story is getting bigger and bigger and I fear I might not fit it into one book.... a series maybe. But a book is a book!

Ran a bunch of errands today... bank, dropped off some payments to be mailed, went to the Medicine Shoppe, went to Raton Veterinary Hospital, put Mose in because it was cold... just stuff like that. I get kind of stressy in the moment, but then I feel satisfied that I got everything done.

As a side note, I did make it to the Dollar Store and bought Mose some chew sticks. He was pretty pumped.

Happy birthday to Abraham Lincoln tomorrow!


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