Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Day 70- Mose

Mose lies on the floor, his eyes barely open. He's lying on his right side, his electric blue eye looking up at me. I watch the curve of his side rise and fall with his breathing, a steady movement.

Suddenly, a cat hopping off the table in the kitchen captures his attention. With a small huff, he sits up and hoists himself up to go investigate. His nails click-clack on the kitchen floor, where he goes over to the cat and gives her a sniff and a gentle lick. The cat, who secretly loves him, weaves her way between his feet, bumping up against him. He sits on the floor and eyes the cat, who he not-so-secretly loves. He finds cats fascinating, but especially this one, Three. Oddly, Three was named "Three" long ago, before losing a leg. Now it's just appropriate for the three-legged feline.

Mose wanders over to the water dish, where he laps up a good mouthful of water. Seemingly changing his mind, he stops drinking and walks back towards the living room, dribbling the water in his mouth all over the floor.

"Mosey," I call. He looks up at me with his multi-colored eyes and comes to sit right in front of me. I'm on the couch, all curled up and warm. He blinks once, twice. "Mosey, do you want a chew stick?" I ask rhetorically. His ears perk up and he puts one big white paw on my knee. I reach over to the trunk that serves as a table and find him a rawhide chew bone. He blinks some more and starts to pant. I unwrap the bone from it's clear plastic wrapping and hand it over to him. He eagerly closes his jaws around it and carries it a few feet away, where he plops down on the floor again. He uses his paws to hold the bone up for chewing. Three the cat approaches and runs her fluffy tail underneath his nose. He looks up with a dog smile, and I smile back at him.

He's a good boy.


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