Friday, February 1, 2019

Day 52- Tumble

This morning I fell down a couple of stairs outside. And it hurt!

There are two sets of concrete steps in my back yard- the first and longer set goes from my back door down to the ground level. The second is a set of two steps that descend from the ground level down to the yard level. THANKFULLY I didn't fall down the big steps because I would have cracked my head a good one!

It all happened so fast I don't really remember all of it. Approaching the bottom stairs, I was going to put Mose in his pen while I went to work. At the same time a neighbor was throwing his trash in the alley dumpster, and Mose hurtled across the yard to bark at the intruder of privacy.

That's when it happened. I don't know if I tripped or misstepped but suddenly my feet were slipping out from under me and I was hurtling down past the stairs and towards the cement walkway. WHAM. I felt it in my right shoulder first, the concrete slamming my upper arm. My glasses went flying! My left knee shot out, trying to steady my body and it scraped across the pavement. My air was knocked right out of me and I had to lie there for a minute, my hip aching.

"Are you okay??" the neighbor called.
I wanted to yell back, "You weren't supposed to see that!" but I just gave a weak, "Yeah."

I tried pushing myself up into a kneeling position and my arm trembled under the weight. My hair was full of tiny twigs and my pants were a muddy mess. It took a good few minutes to find my glasses, since I couldn't see, but thankfully they were unharmed.

But the worst part of it all? Mose didn't even notice!

Tonight I'm achey all over, and I've been taking Advil which helps a bit. I think I'll be a sore, whiny mess tomorrow...


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