Thursday, January 31, 2019

Day 51- Subtitles

I have spotty hearing. But not in the way you would think. I can hear quiet noises pretty well. It's just that somehow my brain takes what I hear and throws it in a mental blender. So I'm left with nonsensical words or just muddled versions of what was said and I have to ask, "What??"

You might say, "Open the door," and I hear "Close the drawer."

"'Are you new?" becomes "How are you?"

"It's about time" turns into, god knows how, "Hi there, Fraulein."

There's just a disconnect somewhere. It happens ALL THE TIME, especially when watching movies or TV shows where people have strong accents. But I am saved by the grace of...


They are my absolute favorite. If I have the option, they're on! You catch so much more that way. Like, did you know the Von Trapp children's father is actually named "Georg"? Not "Gaeogg"? I was in high school before I figured that out. Nuts.

It's to the point where in real life when speaking to someone with a heavy accent or speech problem, I find myself longing for the comfort of subtitles.

Such is life!


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