Friday, January 25, 2019

Day 45- It's Time

Hello to my estimated 7-12 regular readers! Today I thought I'd let you know what things have been occupying my mind, entertainment-wise. What I've been enjoying when not writing silly blogs and working.

Game of Thrones.

It's the biggest, so we'll start with it. I have loved the series for years now, and with the 8th and final season coming in April, I charged myself with the task of rewatching ALL the episodes before then, so all the plots and subplots and sub-subplots will be fresh in my mind! It's been a week or ten days and I'm at Season 6, Episode 5. So I think I'll make it.

I have heard people before asking "What is so great about Game of Thrones? Why is everyone so into it?" Well, I can only speak for myself, but I think it's fascinating! You HAVE to realize, going into it, that some of it's gonna be awful, you just have to. It doesn't flinch away from violence or gore or sexuality. The language is rough. The subject matter can be extremely controversial. But it is so smart and so well written, and it gets you hooked right away! Like I mentioned before, plots are braided within plots, and storylines are spun so masterfully that they never get tangled... or maybe they ALWAYS get tangled and that's the point. I have been known to watch an entire season in one night when I get the season in the mail and have no work the day after. The morning after, my sister has woken to find dozen of texts sent throughout the night, chronicling the ups and downs and sideways and twists and turns and total and complete stops. Such is Game of Thrones!

Throne of Glass series

Not related to Game of Thrones! This is a book series I fell completely in love with, after picking up the first book at Barnes & Nobles on a complete whim. I can't resist a girl badass and that is exactly what these books follow- a young female assassin who can totally and completely take care of herself. But these books also have plot twists and different storylines and complicated characters. Every book in the series gets crazier, and keeps you reading, desperately waiting for what comes next.


So there's this website called YouTube where you can find just about anything in the whole wide world. One of the channels is... yep, The Try Guys! It's a group of four guys who, like their name suggests, TRY different things on camera. I swear, just look up "Try Guys" on YouTube and you'll see videos ranging from wearing pregnancy bellies to (legally and safely) testing out alcohol and how it affects driving, baking bread with no recipe, to trying out "extreme swimsuits". Everything IMAGINABLE! They are clever and honest and downright hilarious. I believe they started on Buzzfeed and grew from there. My sister just had a birthday and I bought her an OFFICIAL Try Guys mug because we both love love love them.


Surprise!!! Between herding cats and trying to teach Mose left from right, they keep me busy.


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