Monday, January 21, 2019

Day 41- Emmy!

One of my favorite people in the whole wide world has a birthday tomorrow-- my sister! Her name's Elizabeth but she'll always be Emmy to me.

I will always, always, always look up to her. She is just plain awesome, and a badass. Seriously! She recently took charge of the Parts Counter at work, very much a woman in a "man's job" but she's great at it. AND she puts out candy! Can you think of a better trait?? Lately pretty much everyone who works at ACE goes by once or twice a day for a Tootsie Roll and a chat. She's popular! And customers actually like dealing with her because she is kind and patient and smart and capable.

I always know that if I need help or advice I can come to her, no question about it. She's honest and patient and doesn't judge me. I don't know if it's a big sister thing or just her, but she is quite protective of me! When she hears that someone has been giving me crap, she's ready to whoop some ass! She is so much braver than me. She's just... an amazing person.

She teases me sometimes, and about 99.99% of the time I totally and completely deserve it. Today she told me to drop off a UPS package at a "drop spot", or if it didn't fit, Burns Hardware. Now this may seem nice and easy peasy to you, but this kind of thing freaks me out! But she and my dad talked me through it, and when it was all over and done with they both listened, laughing, as I told them The Story of The UPS Box That Wouldn't Fit. I had to talk to a stranger in a strange place and everything!

Sometimes people see us together and ask if we are sisters. It's always a compliment to me because she is beautiful. Inside and out.

And tomorrow is her birthday! Tonight I wrapped her presents up (except one that hasn't even been SENT yet, thank you internet) and tomorrow we will feast on Chinese food in her honor!

So Happy Birthday to my big sister, my best friend, who named Otis, who is ALWAYS there for me. And who shows me great books and TV shows. "HAPPY NAME DAY" as they say in Westeros.

I love you.


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