Friday, January 18, 2019

Day 38- Just a Day

Today was a Friday, and it was a good day. We got a little winter weather! Cold, blowing, wet snow. I enjoy bad weather, especially after work, when I could snuggle up in my house with all my animals and listen to the wind howl.

Just one day of work left this week, and then I get my Sunday off. Unfortunately, we do not get this coming Monday off work, even though Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is observed by banks and the schools. Not ACE!

I continue my Game of Thrones binge-watching experience. I'm nearing season four already! And I'm learning more and more Dothraki. Me nem nesa! It is known.

The other day, some family sent me a big box full of BEAUTIFUL Lord of the Rings-related books. I love them! What a great gift to receive.

I promised to blog every single day, and that's what I'm gonna do, even if it's just a blog like this one!


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