Sunday, January 13, 2019

Day 33

My hair is nice and bright! Freshly dyed. It makes me feel good!

It's Monday tomorrow, unfortunately. But I had a good day today, and did very little.

We were supposed to get more snow, but didn't.

My Game of Thones binge continues! I have until April 14th, which is plenty of time. Like I said on Facebook, I need to brush up on my Dothraki too. Elvish will always be my fictional language of choice, but Dothraki is harsh and guttural and fun.

"Anha zhilak yera norethaan." That's "I love you completely" in Dothraki. I tell Mose that every night.

And that's my blog for tonight! I promise to write better and longer blogs! I just.. I said "everyday" and I intend to follow that through. Even when I end up writing blogs like this one. It's just the principle of the thing!


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