Saturday, January 12, 2019

Day 32

I have no great ideas to blog about tonight, so I'm gonna tell you exactly where I sit, by what, and how I feel. Just me in the moment.

I am sitting on a battered black couch. It was rough when I got it, and cats' scratching has done it no favors. But it is comfortable and along with me, two cats sit on it, sleeping. My dog, Mose slumbers restlessly on the floor, constantly bothered with the sound coming off of Game of Thrones, Season One, episode 4. I am binge-watching! The next and final season of GoT premieres this April, and I've decided to rewatch the entire series before seeing the end. I talk endlessly about the series with some people I work with, and I want to keep everything sharp!

On the couch next to me is a heap of books and boxes and hoodies and jackets. The boxes are from a Christmas present from my sister, Pet Giftboxes. They send a box every month with toys and chewsticks and other cool stuff. There is a theme every month and this month was "Chewrassic World" and the toys were almost too cute to give to Mose.

To my left, I have a small table littered with cups and bottles and a bag full of Hershey's Kisses that my sister bought me. In front of me is an old trunk that used to be in my Grandmother's house that now serves as a coffee table. On it are several clocks to match the six hanging on the wall in front of me. There are also chewsticks and a tub of markers and pens and junk. There is another heap of books on this trunk, and about five heaps' worth of books on a bookshelf next to the table.

From where I sit I can see a bookshelf completely COVERED in geeky stuff, some of my favorite things I own. Figurines from GoT, Star Wars, the Big Bang Theory, Harry Potter, Fight Club, Supernatural, and the Boondock Saints. There are random statues and bottles I've collected. On the very bottom shelf is another heap of books. I proudly display letter openers shaped like blades from Lord of the Rings, next to several Harry Potter wands from two of my favorite characters, Snape and Sirius Black. Up on top is my collection of dragons.

The entire room I am in is covered in artwork, mine and other peoples'. That and books. Books everywhere. There is a baby-gate in the doorway that leads to my bedroom because Mose likes to sneak in there and chew on stuff. The cats just hop over it as they please.

Tonight I bleached the roots of my hair so tomorrow I can dye it brightly! I keep catching reflections of my hair and doing a double take. "Bleached" is not a look that I can pull off.

Have a happy Sunday!


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