Thursday, January 24, 2019

Day 44- Laundry Day

I get Thursdays off, and I love my Thursdays! I sleep late and do little. I DID do laundry today, though, several loads!

My laundry room is in my basement, and Mose REFUSES to go down with me. I don't need him down there of course, but even if I did, I couldn't get him downstairs. He prefers to stand at the edge of the stairs and bark and howl and whine, like he's afraid the basement swallowed me up whole and he'd never, ever, ever see me again, EVER.

Mose likes Thursdays, too. He gets to hang out with me and the cats!  The cats themselves don't seem to care one way or the other... they're cats.

Last night, I went with my dad and sister to Trinidad- celebratory dinner at Wonderful House for my sister's birthday! Afterwards, we stopped at Walmart- milk, dog bones, and... the most DECADENT thing you can imagine- a velvet black hoodie for me, on clearance! You can't even imagine how lovely it is.

I continue on with my Game of Thrones binge- almost to Season 6! I will be READY come April.


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