Thursday, January 10, 2019

Day 30- Excursion

Today I had a doctor's appointment in the big city... oh yeah, that's right! Pueblo, Colorado! And my sister (I call her Emmy) went with me. We had a pretty freakin' good time! My appointment was at two so we left town a little before noon. We decided I would drop her off at the mall to shop and hopefully get a hair cut while I was at my appointment, and I would join her later.

The Pueblo Mall has a Master Cuts so Emmy proactively went online to see if she could book an appointment ahead of time. The problem? No openings until Monday the 14th! We were pretty puzzled why it was early January and they were totally swamped at Master Cuts... it's sort of odd timing. But she decided to try anyway.. she just wanted a trim!

The drive up went just fine. We jammed out to a burned CD, her singing well, me shrieking the lyrics. We talked about all our plans for the afternoon.. when you live in Raton, a day in the big city is pretty exciting. To HAVE CHOICES of where to eat and shop... it's pretty stellar.

Just pulling into Pueblo, off to the side of the road over by some big businesses, there was this huge group of cars bumper to bumper. The line went on forever! We weren't sure what kind of procession it was, or where they were all going.
I leaned over in the front seat. "Hey," I muttered, "That must be the line for Master Cuts."
Emmy snorted and swatted my arm.

LUCKILY she was able to get her hair trim with no problems whatsoever. It turns out the online calendar can't really be trusted.

My appointment went very well, and I met up with my sister at the mall. We shopped for a long time! And then we headed to Target. Pretty much everything on my list was pet-related. You see, my cats' absolute, all-time favorite brand of cat crunchers is... FRISKIES INDOOR DELIGHTS!! And I can't always get them here in Raton so I bought a huge bag. Target was already decked out for Valentine's Day and Emmy bought me a bag of Hershey's kisses. She's pretty cool like that.

I took approximately 3 minutes and thirty seconds in Barnes and Nobles, for a Game of Thrones calendar.. I get one every year.

We dined at Olive Garden and it was delicious. An odd thing did happen, though. I drank way too much water and had to visit the ladies room. I saw in the first stall, a pair of boots kind of pointed at the toilet, which is, obviously, the wrong direction for common women's bathroom etiquette. I wondered absently if she was sick or something, but there were no signs of puking. I was washing my hands when the woman emerged from the stall, looking sheepish.
"Hi," I said awkwardly. ACE has me trained to greet perfect strangers. It's kind of funny and kind of bizarre.
"Hello," she said and held out her hand. Car keys! "Dropped them right in," she laughed kind of hysterically. "At least it wasn't my phone!"
I left her as she began washing them off. One was an electric car key and it made me cringe to see her hold it under the faucet, but I guess it had already had it in the toilet.

Emmy and I jammed out to the same CD on repeat the whole way home. When she dropped me off at my house, Mose squealed from the back yard. It was a "Where the hell have you been???" cry that kind of tugged at my heartstrings and made me laugh at the same time.

I have new pants to wear tomorrow!


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