Sunday, January 20, 2019

Day 40

Forty days of blogs! I've been blogging for 40 days and 40 nights... forgive the bible reference, but it IS Sunday.

You want to know what's bothering me, right HERE and right NOW? My refrigerator keeps opening of it's own accord. I have to tape it shut. I just looked over from my couch into my kitchen and saw Sheldon perusing the contents, fridge light pouring out onto the kitchen floor.

Speaking of Sheldon, I have a new nickname for him- Sheldon the Conqueror. It's inspired by Game of Thrones, of course, Aegon the Conqueror! I have to reason to call him that, except of the -on at the end of his name.

Dinner at my dad's house tonight! Shrimp, mmmmm. I always take Mose with me when I visit my dad's. It's good for him to play with other dogs, plus he gets to ride in the car, and he gets to run amok around my dad's house. Anyway, I was sitting at my dad's kitchen table when my sister came through the door. She was laughing.
"What?" I asked, smiling.
"You know how you say Mose isn't that smart? I've got more proof! When he heard my car coming, he ran out to greet me, circling the house the long way, and missed me entirely. He stopped at the edge of the driveway and had no idea I'd already parked until I yelled his name."

If you're wondering, I've made no real progress concerning teaching Mose left and right.

I'm gonna go tape up my fridge.


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