Saturday, January 19, 2019

Day 39- LOG is Lamb of God

Tonight I went with my sister and some friends to see Secondhand play at the Icehouse. I didn't stay for the whole performance, but I've watched them before, and just watching the band jam out together took me back...

I don't know if you know this, but I have actually been in several bands. The Raton Mid-school and High School bands, of course, clarinet! First chair in mid-school, second chair in high school.

But I also played bass in two metal bands! Asunder first, then Dead End Philosophy. And playing bass for them was one of the coolest things I've ever done.

I had really just started playing the bass when a friend from school asked if I would be interested in joining him, his brother, and a few friends in a metal band. I really wasn't that good but they were all so nice to me! And they taught me so much.

I had known this friend for a year or two, but I remember back before I actually knew him I was fascinated with his school binder. It was covered in band names, some I knew well- AC/DC, Led Zeppelin. But some I was completely puzzled by. What did "LOG" stand for, and what the hell was a "Bodom" and why did it have children?

But playing in Asunder, and then Dead End Philosophy, I learned the answer to these riddles, and so much more! And I made friends. Great, great friends. We lost Johnny Ray just weeks after he graduated, but I'm so glad I had the chance to know him.

I don't play much anymore but when I do it comes back. My cousin asked me a few weeks ago what my favorite song to jam out to was and I told him "96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY and he didn't know them at all, and that made me feel old. But I also told him "Schism" by Tool and he very much knew that song and band.

D.E.P. actually got to play in Albuquerque at The Cell, and that was pretty awesome. We were the first of several bands to play that night, but there was a crowd there and we rocked out and it was pretty amazing.

So watching Secondhand play tonight was fun. They are really good, and it just took me back! I have been working now and then on my memoirs, and I have a lot to say about my years in the metal bands... so many memories come back, like The Cell, and getting the cops called on us when we practiced.

Good times.


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