Saturday, January 5, 2019


I got my internet back!! I'm not sure exactly what the issue was, but it's fixed now. I sometimes think  of my computer as a live entity, so it's easy to visualize my laptop as being a little sick now and again. Since my problem was an internet connection maybe it's just not doing well socially. A little communal hiccup.

Tonight, my dad, sister, and I went to the El Raton to see Aquaman... in 3D! It was one of the few 3D movies I've seen that the 3D is actually exceptional and really contributes. When we got to the tub where they keep the glasses, my dad got excited because he spotted a bright green pair. He was quite disappointed to learn they were for children and would probably not fit on his head.

The movie had LOTS of action, and some humor, and the female lead looked exactly like Ariel, the Little Mermaid!... which they were probably going for. Oh, and Aquaman was Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones. I liked it a lot! One thing plagued my mind, though. All the badass dudes were hurling around "tridents" but their some of their "tridents" had 4 or 5 prongs. Isn't a trident, by definition, a THREE-pronged spear? Just saying. They didn't have tridents, they had pitch-forks.

Got me thinking!! these things do. What kind of superhero would I be? What would my powers be? I'm scared of but fascinated with sharks and I'm not a strong swimmer and I don't like getting my hair wet because it sucks the color out quicker so Aqua-Woman, I am certainly not. Absolutely terrified of spiders, shit. And I don't like Superman's costume, though I like to fly. Just not on airplanes because I'm deathly afraid of airport security. I wouldn't fit in Catwoman's suit, that's for damn sure, not for all the squeezing in the world. I'm not a Norse god. I'm not an angry person so I don't see myself Hulk-ing out. I haven't the money of Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark.


I guess that leaves me to make my own! How about:

I'm a girl with hair that changes color with her mood, and carries paper with her, always. Because what I write instantaneously becomes real. If I needed a vehicle, I would turn to my paper and write,

"Sarah stepped over to her sleek, black car, the keys already in her hand. The engine growled to life, and could drive faster than the bad guys could. Or the scary police."

And it would be so! *Note I know NOTHING about cars, not even enough to give a brand name*

The words could literally be my shield. I would be immediately equipped with ANYTHING I could imagine. I would be unstoppable! UNTIL


I ran out of paper! Or had no writing utensil. Or got caught in a downpour and had all my paper turn to a gloppy mess!

Hey. That's kind of cool actually! Thank you, Aquaman, for helping me brainstorm!

Sunday tomorrow! I think I can get some good writing in.


P.S. Did ya miss me?

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