Monday, January 7, 2019

Day 27- Ahhhhhhhh

Tonight I watched "Titanic", which is an awesome, moving film, but not the cheeriest.

So I thought I'd make a list of things that make me feel good and content!

  • Replacing old light bulbs. Especially when the bulb has been out for quite some time. Suddenly. BAM! You have all this light you weren't aware existed. You know, if you want to get deep, that could absolutely be a metaphor for other aspects of life!
  • Selecting a perfume for the day. Every day, I dress and spritz on a little perfume. I'm kind of a perfume fiend and I have A LOT of bottles, so it all comes down to my mood that day.
  • Making mental and physical lists, especially schedules, and following them to the letter or minute. Drives my dad and sister absolutely crazy because when things aren't exactly like I planned, I get anxiety, to the point of panic. This post started as a list.
  • Making Mose do his one set of tricks: Sit, Shake! and praising him like he's an absolute genius. It warms my heart because he's not the brightest crayon in the box, but I've taught him this set of tricks and he KNOWS it! All that's left is if he WANTS to. I rub his ears and pet his head and say, "Who's my smart boy?!" and he gets a hit of contentment as well.
  • The absolute basics: eating when hungry, drinking when thirsty, sleeping when tired, peeing when ya gotta go! Basics are the BEST.
  • Playing something on the piano or bass and just NAILING it. There's this zone you can get into when you're jamming sometimes and it's pretty awesome. Your fingers never get klutzy and awkward, but sweep over the keyboard of frets.
  • Scooping Shelly up and bouncing him around like a baby until he purrs. I think he likes it as much as I do.
  • Having newly dyed hair. When the color is deep and rich I feel pretty.
  • Rereading things I've read and actually liking them a lot. Makes me feel like I'm on the right track. It makes me proud.
  • Finishing a book and setting it down, letting the words consume you, totally swept away. And then you find out there's a sequel!

Hey guys, we made it through Monday!


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