Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Day 49- Doc Visit

Today I went to see my hematologist in Albuquerque. A few years ago, I had all SORTS of blood issues, too many and too complicated to get into now. I'm doing infinitely better! But my doctor works at the Presbyterian Rust Center in the hematology/cancer ward and whenever I go, I feel (thankfully) out of place with all of the extremely sick people around.

Today I noticed a huge amount of my fellow patients wore masks, which makes sense if you figure a good number of them are immuno-compromised and it's flu season. I'm certainly not a germaphobe but all the sick people with their masks kinda made me uncomfortable. My doctor and all the nurses use hand sanitizer constantly. It seems to be as automatic as breathing to them, and it's probably a good thing!

Today was a busy day for me and my dad because I had my appointment and my dad had a test he needed done today in Santa Fe. So he drove me to my doc, drove to his appointment, had his test done, then came and got me. So I spent a great deal of time in the waiting room. I anticipated this and brought books and had my phone so I could text my sister and mom. But sitting in the waiting room for that long.. I was completely overcome by the urge to plop down on the floor and get comfortable instead of perching on one of the chairs. I didn't, but I certainly thought about it.

If you're concerned, like I said, I am doing so well! My bloodwork is excellent and I'm in good health. I see my doc again in four months.


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