Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Day 28- Pure Poetry

Today was a very normal Tuesday. Tomorrow is my Grandma's memorial service. My sister gave me a pretty dress to wear, because I want to look nice for Gram. I'm glad we're having this service because I know a lot of people knew her, liked her, cared for her.

I have no real thoughts for a blog tonight, so I'm gonna treat you all to some of my poetry.

WHAT!!! you gasp. Poetry? Sarah? Well before you get yourself into a tizzy, it's not quality poetry, and I didn't write it to be poetic, if that makes any sense at all.
We'll start slow. I wrote this a verrrrrrrrrrrry long time ago. Think 6ish. I was a huge Space Jam fan and you might notice similarities between my poem and R, Kelly's "I Believe I Can Fly."

"I wish I could fly.
I wish I could soar across the sky.
Every night and every day I wish I could fly,
but, instead, I sigh."

Thank you, thank you, please hold the applause.

The next ones are much more recent, inspired by pets.

Do you know "On a Bicycle Built for Two"? Here:

TO THAT TUNE, I have written two different versions. This is Sheldon's:

"Sheldon, Sheldon, you are a handsome cat.
Yes, I said it! What do you think about that?
You are a good looking kitty,
You're cool and nice and witty,
But by my word, you sound absurd
When you cry like a little brat."

And Mose's:

"Mosey, Mosey, what are you up to now?
Oh, you drive me crazy, kind of like Mad Cow.
You are a handsome bupper, 

I bet you'd like some supper,
But goodness me, You're totally
Colored like a milk cow."

See, this is why I don't write poetry.

But another one, to the tune of "Santa Baby":

"Otie, baby, slip a squeaky under the tree for me,
You been an awful good girl, Otie baby.
So let's get you a chew stick tonight."

And one last Otis one, to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot":

Oat's a pretty puppy, 
yes she is,
She is my best friend
Nicknamed "Tiss"

All I can say is, you're welcome. :)


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