Monday, January 28, 2019

Day 48- Mom!

I was watching Game of Thrones, Season 6, episode 4 when my phone beeped and vibrated to life... my mom!!

It was so good to talk to her, and I was impressed because it was waaaaaay past her bedtime. But we had a great chat about work and colonoscopies and the legal repercussions of being falsely considered deceased. Long story!!

But talking to her on the phone is great. Not as good as in person, but still, I can sense her breathing and feel the sharp exhale when she laughs. I can hear dogs and cats in the background, sometimes Leo! I hear the faint sound of the TV on, or something sizzling on the stove.

I told her of an upcoming doctors appointment and she told me about her job. She has a crazy, busy life, and it means a lot that she finds the time to call my sister and me.

We have a tentative vacation scheduled in a few months.. nothing is in stone yet, but I can't wait! Doesn't really matter WHERE we go, I just care about the company.


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