Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Day 50- Lessons Learned

Fifty days of continuous blogging! And fifty days of working on a novel. Some of the writing has been good, some of it has been rather poor, but I'm learning as I go.

I learned that its good to write EVERY DAY, even if its just a paragraph.

I learned a life lesson that characters with lots of flaws are so much funner and more interesting to write than perfect, well-adjusted characters, and I think that says a lot about actual life... flaws make you interesting and beautiful.

I learned that most characters aren't entirely good or bad, because humans are both. That's what makes our lives so complex.

Going back and rereading, I learn what makes a good page and what makes a bad, clumpy, choppy page.

I learned to completely treasure the online dictionary and thesaurus.

I learned that reading other people's work improves my own.

I learned that my best writing is when I write about something I'd like to read.

I learned that there will always be better writers than myself, but that's no reason to not write.

I get tomorrow off! Guess what I'm gonna do :)


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