Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Day 22

Tomorrow is my day off! I need to clean and do laundry. I will probably sleep excessively and read.

One thing's for certain- when I do laundry I won't have any company. Mose is a turd and is apparently afraid of my basement, where my washer and dryer are. He flat out refuses to go down the steps! He sits at the edge of the staircase and whines and barks frantically, like the basement swallowed me up and he'll never, ever, ever, ever see me again. EVER. Of course, he thinks the same thing when I put him in his pen or leave him on my back porch to eat dinner.

He's a worrier! But he can't hold a candle to me. Lately to combat anxiety, I've been obsessively list-making and schedule making. It drives my dad and my sister NUTS because I recite these lists over and over out loud.

But hey, as far as New Year's Resolutions go, I'm golden! I swore I wouldn't be late to work anymore and since the new year began I haven't been late ONCE!!

And that's all I have to say about that.


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