Saturday, February 23, 2019

Day 74- Dogs.

Dogs are the best. They really are. And I say that while surrounded by cats. Blasphemy! I know, I know. But there is a magic that happens with dogs... it's hard to sum up exactly. There are no humans as good as dogs. No humans as pure. They bring out the best in people.

My dog Otis saved my life. I've told the tale often! I wouldn't have survived without her. And god, do I miss her. I miss her so much. But as much as I miss her, I am so grateful for every moment I spent with her! It was an absolute privilege and I wouldn't give it up for anything. I still wake up sometimes, early in the morning, and reach out for her on my bed.

Mose keeps me happy, laughing, and on my toes. He likes to swipe things away from me when he thinks I'm not looking- napkins, food, and in one disastrous incident, a pack of thumb tacks. I'm about ninety-eight percent sure he swallowed one. After scouring the internet for advice I fed him several tortillas since I didn't have any regular bread. He's still around to tell the tale!

I'm not a religious person. At all. But I like the idea of a dog heaven. Dogs can live there, happy as can be, waiting for their owners. Weightless, without a care in the world. I think Otis is up there now, with my Grandpa. I know I'll meet her again someday.

I have so many good memories with dogs. When Otis was just a pup, my grandpa made a 'helmet' out of a butter tub and made her wear it when she was out with the big dogs. I remember my mom teaching our dogs to woof and howl when she said "Woogie-woogie!" I remember my dad's dog, Macky, just a pup, burying her milk bones in house plants. I remember my mom and Leo getting their border collies, and how happy they each made them. 

Dogs are the best presents we could ever give ourselves. And a loving home is the best gift we can give them.

Every time I see the Raton Animal Hospital vet, Kristi, she tells me she's keeping an eye out for a pretty special pup for me, since I lost Otis. And I know I'll find one. I have a feeling it will kind of fall into my lap, like Otis did, and Mose. It doesn't take much to find a special dog- they all are! I just know I'll feel it deep in my soul.


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