Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Days 75, 76, and 77 Yeah, yeah, yeah

Today my car was a total and complete mess. I openly admit it. Tons of beverage bottles, paper everywhere, and worst of all, dog fluff. Bright, white dog hair courtesy of Mose.

I decided I'd go to the car wash and vacuum the interior. So today I went on a mission! Gathered quarters from EVERYWHERE and and close family members. My dad emptied his pocket change on the parts counter and we sorted through the coins. Emmy checked both in her wallet and her car. Not to mention the quarters I had already. LOTS of quarters.
I was about to leave when my dad pulled up his forklift beside me in the rental yard.
"How much did you get?"
"A shit-ton!" I exclaimed.
"A WHAT??" he asked, enunciating both words.
I just laughed and he took off on his forklift muttering "shit-ton", "shit-ton" over and over.

At the car wash I jingled the quarters into the large vacuum. I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned, throwing away crap and lint-rolling the seats.

For Christmas my sister gave me a car- backseat hammock-like apparatus that hooks on to the head rests, covering the seats, thus protecting the dark interior from Mose's fluff.

I'm excited to try it out!!

Tonight I plopped down on my mattress with all my cats. I twisted around so my legs and hips were still on the bed but I was doing a kind of back bend off of it. Blood rushed to my head and I giggled. I hadn't done that in years. The stretch felt good.

I know my blogging hasn't been constant lately and I apologize. But I've been making great strides with my book and that's one reason why I wanted to blog every day.. get myself in writing shape. I'll work at it!


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