Friday, February 15, 2019

Day 66- Mutual Rescue!

Hey guys, chances are you are my friend on Facebook and have already seen, but just in case I wanted to tell you a little about a book coming out!

Mutual Rescue is an organization that celebrates the bonds and amazing connections people have with rescued animals. A about two years ago now, my mom suggested I send them MY story- mine and Otis'. They didn't choose to make it into a film, but I was very excited when they asked if they could include the story in a book. It's been a long process! But on April 8th, the book will be published! And, from now until the release date, every pre-ordered copy will have 10% of the purchase price donated to shelters like our very own Raton Humane Society, a VERY worthwhile cause. HERE is the link to the website, and if you do purchase the book, remember the code MRRATON so the Humane Society benefits!

I'm so excited to finally see it. I've collaborated with the writers of the book a lot, asking and answering questions, sending in photos, the whole deal. They are some of the nicest people!

Mostly I'm just glad because, though I lost her, Otis will have a little piece of forever in the book, and countless people will know about her and how she saved my life. Through blogs, I've told her story many times, but this is a new level. God, I miss her. I miss her so much. But she's finally getting the credit she deserves.

I love you forever, Otie.


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