Saturday, February 9, 2019

Day 60- Lucky

They say black cats are unlucky. I've never believed it. But even if I did, the sheer number of black cats in my life must surely cancel all the bad luck out. I've got three at home, and one at work, whose name is, believe it or not, Lucky.

When I was very young, I was riding a horse one day, Boots. I wasn't a comfortable rider at all- very unsteady. We were walking downhill and the momentum caused me to topple off the horse, IN FRONT. In front of those bone-breaking hooves. I braced myself for the worst but it never came. This particular horse had been trained in rodeo- it stopped when I fell, expecting me to topple a calf. Apart from a few scrapes, I was fine.

One day I was playing in the back of my parents' pick up truck. I fell out, my head cracking against the pavement. I was fine!

Several years later, I was driving my family's gator, a sort of 6 wheeled vehicle. I had a drink and as I was going around a corner, the drink spilled. I made a lunge for it and over-corrected the wheel. The vehicle slammed into some trees, a huge branch smashing into the front seat just inches from my chest.

When I was twelve, I was suicidally depressed. I tried to take my own life. But my youth mixed with circumstance led me to failure. I'm thankful for that everyday.

I have mental health issues but I was born into a supportive family, and chance lead me to an amazing dog who saved my life.

I'd say I'm pretty lucky, wouldn't you?


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